Before uploading photos to Facebook, you'll need to follow these steps in order to act as your pharmacy.
1. Click the triangle symbol in the upper right corner of your screen.
2. Under "Use Facebook As," select your pharmacy. You will now be posting, commenting, and liking as the business. Use the sames steps to go back to your personal profile.
There are two ways to upload photos. The first is to make an album.
1. On your pharmacy's page, click "Photo/Video" as your status option.
2. Click "Create a Photo Album" on the right side.
3. Select the photos you'd like to upload from your computer.
4. Click "open."
5. On the left side of the screen, name your album and add a description.
6. Click "Post" on the lower left corner of your screen.
The second way to upload photos is by adding them to a status.
1. On your pharmacy's page, click "Photo/Video" as your status option.
2. Click "Upload Photos/Video" on the left side.
3. Choose the photos you'd like to upload from your computer.
4. Click "open."
5. Write a description in the text box above your photo.
6. Click post.